About Sherri Hodies

“I am excited to announce my candidacy for Monroe County Supervisor of Elections. My husband, Perry, and I married on the Western Union, off the coast of Key West. We were regular visitors to the Keys since the early 90’s and then purchased our home and became residents over a decade ago. I am not a career politician. I take pride in my attention to detail which will ensure that all of your votes are counted and secured.

I have raised four children and have worked in the private sector for the majority of my life while also obtaining two Master’s degrees in Business Administration (MBA), as well as two Bachelor’s degrees in Business and Human Resources. I also have my Certificate in Paralegal Studies from the University of Miami, Florida. Let me emphasize, ‘My primary focus is to guarantee the fairness, security, and efficiency of our elections. With my extensive experience and background, I am confident that I am well-suited to be our county’s supervisor of elections. I look forward to meeting the voters and listening to their thoughts and ideas. Together, let’s continue to make Monroe County a leader in election integrity.”

Sherri has pledged to run on a platform of transparency and integrity, ensuring public accountability within the Supervisors’ office, and safeguarding elections and the democratic process in Monroe County. Mrs. Hodies brings a wealth of experience from her extensive business career, including 27 years with Honda of America Mfg. Inc. in manufacturing and corporate roles. Mrs. Hodies has also dedicated herself to public service, taking on many roles with local community and charitable organizations. As one example, she served on the Board of Directors to Save the Old Seven Mile Bridge. Mrs. Hodies has also dedicated herself to important political causes, serving as Treasurer of the Monroe County GOP, President of the Southernmost Republican Club, Chair of the Monroe County GOP Voter Registration Education and Outreach Committee, and many other political organizations and groups. In 2023, the Monroe Republican Executive Committee awarded her Republican of the Year for her outstanding dedication to advancing conservative causes within the county.